Thursday 17 October 2013

Horror research questionnaire and analysis

For this part of the task, Ishpreet Sundal and I sat down and created suitable questions in which we could apply to a questionnaire to ask the audience to help us for our horror film. We created the questionnaire via ''survey monkey'', this was important to help us towards our final piece as we wanted to gain information such as the demographics of our target audience and fine out what they like and dislike about horror movies. By doing this allows us to negotiate on what we can use for our final piece and give us a rough outline of what our target audience expect to see. We published our questionnaire on social networking sites such as: Twitter and Facebook:
Below is some screen shots which are taken from our questionnaire:

Here is the link to the website 'Survey Monkey:

Once we had gathered all of our results Ishpreet Sundal uploaded the analysis of the results onto 'Prezi', this was important to us as with these results me and my partner could negotiate on how we can create our narrative and also use what they liked about horror movies so that it would be suitable for our target audience. By finding out what our target audience wanted to see allowed us to conform to these so that we would fit their criteria of what they would want to see.

Monday 7 October 2013

Todorov Narrative Theory

To help us with our research and planning I decided to create a Power Point on Todorov's narrative theory as I established that our opening sequence would most likely fit his theory. By creating this connotes that we have an understanding of film theorist and how they regularly apply to films, this theory would most likely appear in every horror film as most horror films finish with a restored equilibrium. When planning our film we would consider the ways in which our film can subvert this theory however, as it is a horror genre it would be quite unlikely to do so.

Friday 4 October 2013

Horror genre research: Timeline

For our horror genre research  my group member Ishpreet and I were researching into horror, we did this as we plan to create a horror opening sequence and to complete this we need to have a lot of background knowledge to enable us to create a film that follows the generic codes and conventions of a horror film. To help do this Ishpreet Sundal used to illustrate all the information we had gained from our research. For each piece of research we conducted, we have embedded the link under each slot. We will be using this when creating our opening sequence as we may decide to pay homage to some old style horror films in order to conform to the horror conventions.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Preliminary task

In class our teacher had set us a preliminary task which enabled us to demonstrate the use of shot reverse shot and 180 degree rule, we decided to work in a group of me, Ishpreet Sundal Bryony Johnson and Rumena Ahmed. We used cameras to film this and then edited it onto iMovie.
In order to make this successful and to help us with our planning we created a storyboard and discussed as a group what to include and how, in order to help with our planning Ishpreet created a shot list which consists on location we will be using, actors and props that will included in the video. While doing this we noticed that the camera and tripods would remain as our two focus items as without these we cannot create a successful video.

After evaluating this we asked other group members on ways they think we could improve our preliminary task, I focused on the conventions which we used such as 180 degree rule which was one of our main focusses to convey media conventions.
Once we had edited our preliminary task we decided on a creative way we could evaluate what we done, so to do this as a group we created a news reported and we all had to focus on one main aspect of the video, below is the news report that we had created.