Sunday 13 April 2014

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

For this question my partner Ishpreet Sundal created a collage using 'Insta Collage' of four horror films which have been distributed via 'Lionsgate'. She demonstrated how 'Lionsgate' may be interested in producing our opening sequence as it follows many similar conventions in which they have also incorporated in their own films. She also gave the example of 'House of 100 Corpses' as the narrative follows a similar one to our opening sequence as we have also incorporated someone being trapped by a villain with no means of escape.

A media institution can be defined as being an organisation, which gains profit through things such as entertainment services. There are various media instsititions which may distribute horror films, such as Lions Gate. This is a large entertainment company which distributes films of various genres, including horror.

Below is a collage of four horror films which have been distributed via Lions Gate. There is also an image of the Lions Gate ident, which is specifically used for their horror films. Lions Gate may be interested in distributing our horror product, as it contains similar aspects to their films. For an example within 'House of 1000 Corpses', the victims become trapped within a house. This is similar to the narrative of our product, as the victim gets captured by the antagonist with no means of escape.

Another institution which may distribute our horror product could be Fox Searchlight Pictures. This institution is responsible for distributing independent and British films, specifically of comedy, drama and horror. This institution may be interested in our product as it is British, as well belonging to the genre of horror. An example of a British horror film distributed via Fox Searchlight Pictures could be '28 Days Later'. This is a British horror film, as is our media product.  Below is an image of the Fox Searchlight Pictures logo, as well as the poster for '28 Days Later':

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