Friday 10 January 2014


When we was beginning to plan our opening sequence it was essential that we created a storyboard, I took on the role of conducting the storyboard as it was extremely important that we would use this when it comes to filming. When I was filming the opening sequence I would use the storyboard and inform my group member Ishpreet Sundal of the next shot type we would be using and she directed on how we would connote this. Although we may have not stuck to our story board having one reassured us that we took all the footage that we would need and we also managed to gain some extra footage of the location. Once we had finished our story board we then chose to upload this onto SlideShare.

When it came to creating this storyboard I had to refer back to make sure that I included the 180 degree rule as an essential part of this creation. As there was only two characters in our film opening there would be a large use of two shots, so as I was creating our storyboard I had to make sure that I didn't break this rule and considered it when we came to filming.

We was also taught how the use of shot reverse shot helps portray the use of dialogue in films, we will be using dialogue as an important part of our narrative so to do this in a correct manner we will be using two cameras and two tripods so that we can incorporate a clear understanding of shot reverse short into our horror opening. After conducting our preliminary task this gave us practice for when it came to filming our opening sequence as we had been able to productively use the cameras in this way so we knew what we was doing when it came to filming.

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