Saturday 30 November 2013

Step Outline

As for this task me and my group member were asked to analyse the use of editing, camera work, sound and how the shot changes. We both chose a different horror film to analyse the first two minutes of and uploaded these onto Slideshare.

Here is the step outline I created for my horror film Silent Hill (2006) and I analysed the different shot types and how each shot includes a different use of the four micro elements. This also allowed me to see how they conformed to the horror genre in able to give me an my group member how we could use the similar ideas in our opening sequence. The step outline was also helpful as  it was a thorough into the movie and showed me that the opening sequence can play an important part to help summarise what the narrative is going to be about.

Below is the Step outline which my group member created for the horror film Scream, this allowed her to analyse how the woman plays the typical vulnerable victim which is convention in horror films and is also what we will be including in our opening sequence

Thursday 14 November 2013

Draft Film Pitch Feedback & Ammendments

After me and my partner had conducted our draft film pitch we then asked them to write their ideas on what they thought about it onto a 'Padlet' this helped us with our research as we wanted to make sure that we didn't incorporate anything that they didn't like into our opening sequence.
One person suggested that ''We have a lot going on make sure its clear'', taking this into consideration will we make sure that we have a set dialogue for each shot and that it is clear for our audience to understand. Also we must make sure that we are fully prepared on the day with everything that we need so that when it comes to filming it runs smoothly.

Another positive feedback that we got was that ''Really realistic narrative'' this was important to us as our target audience is going to be teenagers so in our film we will have the subject matter as being something in which our target audience can relate too.

Below is the 'Padlet' in which me and Ishpreet conducted together:

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Certificate Ratings

Here I used slide share to help show our research about certificate ratings, we used this enable to help us with our horror opening that we will be creating as we need to understand the importance and difference of each rating. From conducting research I gathered the difference between each age rating and the laws and regulations of them, these are a very important part a film as the nature of horror films and there content can be quite graphic which many people would not want to see. We have to consider this when creating our opening sequence as our target audience would be for young adults and so by watching our opening sequence me and my partner would discuss what rating we would be able to consider. This will be important when completing our opening sequence as we will have to consider what age our target audience will be, we also had to discuss what would be included such as if we would use, blood, gore and violence as to whether we would need to make it a 15+ or 18+

Saturday 9 November 2013

Film Pitch

Me and my group member conducted a film pitch in order to layout the narrative and suggestions we had for our opening sequence. The film pitch shows the justifications of our ideas to connote to our audience why we have chosen to do specific things. We will also be able to refer to this frequently during our planning so that we can build on our specific ideas.

Film Pitch for Horror Film Titles Project

Title of Horror Film


Horror- subgenre thriller
Log Line

Two friends Tiffany and Gretchen return to the woods and are walking through it, as Tiffany wants to take pictures of Gretchen for her portfolio. Someone is watching closely from the distance, behind the trees. This was inspired by the woods concept within ‘Blair Witch Project’.


·      Starts off with a shot of the setting, with eerie music
·      Then we see Tiffany Woodcock and Gretchen Hornett examining their surroundings carefully, by walking slowly through the woods
·      Point of view shots are given from the perspective of the villain, who is watching them. This is accompanied by heavy breathing, and eerie music
·      Tiffany has brought Gretchen to the woods to take pictures from her Polaroid camera for her photography portfolio. They were there a week earlier taking photos, but Tiffany lost a few and has to start over.
·      Another shot from the villain, who is listening to the two talking and taking pictures. Begins to move around slightly which causes noise.
·      Tiffany and Gretchen hear this, and become more aware and fearful of their surroundings- they continue to take pictures
·      Tiffany runs out of film, and kneels down at her bag to refill it
·      Gretchen goes to check out another spot for better light
·      Tiffany begins to look over the pictures and thinks they will be great. However she looks closely and realises a strange black figure within the corner of a picture
·      She screams as she gets captured by the villain who was keeping a close eye on them
·      News of Tiffany’s kidnap and supposed death spreads, as Gretchen is left psychologically scarred
·      Later on a bunch of teenagers who went to a different school to Gretchen and Tiffany, decide to stay out in the woods as a group dare
·      Strange things begin to occur to them, as one by one the teenagers begin to get captured and brutally murdered
·      Only one survivor manages to escape, who is also left psychologically scarred
Resources needed

-Polaroid camera


-Bentley Priory woods

-Tiffany Woodcock
-Gretchen Hornett       -Mysterious antagonist

Justification for ideas:

The idea of teenager exploring the woods is conventional of a horror movie. This idea can link to the woods theme of horror movie ‘The Blair Witch Project’. Our target audience are mainly aged from 17-18. Due to this our two main characters in our horror movie opening are also of the same age range; therefore our audience will be able to relate to them.