Thursday 14 November 2013

Draft Film Pitch Feedback & Ammendments

After me and my partner had conducted our draft film pitch we then asked them to write their ideas on what they thought about it onto a 'Padlet' this helped us with our research as we wanted to make sure that we didn't incorporate anything that they didn't like into our opening sequence.
One person suggested that ''We have a lot going on make sure its clear'', taking this into consideration will we make sure that we have a set dialogue for each shot and that it is clear for our audience to understand. Also we must make sure that we are fully prepared on the day with everything that we need so that when it comes to filming it runs smoothly.

Another positive feedback that we got was that ''Really realistic narrative'' this was important to us as our target audience is going to be teenagers so in our film we will have the subject matter as being something in which our target audience can relate too.

Below is the 'Padlet' in which me and Ishpreet conducted together:

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