Tuesday 12 November 2013

Certificate Ratings

Here I used slide share to help show our research about certificate ratings, we used this enable to help us with our horror opening that we will be creating as we need to understand the importance and difference of each rating. From conducting research I gathered the difference between each age rating and the laws and regulations of them, these are a very important part a film as the nature of horror films and there content can be quite graphic which many people would not want to see. We have to consider this when creating our opening sequence as our target audience would be for young adults and so by watching our opening sequence me and my partner would discuss what rating we would be able to consider. This will be important when completing our opening sequence as we will have to consider what age our target audience will be, we also had to discuss what would be included such as if we would use, blood, gore and violence as to whether we would need to make it a 15+ or 18+

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