Saturday 30 November 2013

Step Outline

As for this task me and my group member were asked to analyse the use of editing, camera work, sound and how the shot changes. We both chose a different horror film to analyse the first two minutes of and uploaded these onto Slideshare.

Here is the step outline I created for my horror film Silent Hill (2006) and I analysed the different shot types and how each shot includes a different use of the four micro elements. This also allowed me to see how they conformed to the horror genre in able to give me an my group member how we could use the similar ideas in our opening sequence. The step outline was also helpful as  it was a thorough into the movie and showed me that the opening sequence can play an important part to help summarise what the narrative is going to be about.

Below is the Step outline which my group member created for the horror film Scream, this allowed her to analyse how the woman plays the typical vulnerable victim which is convention in horror films and is also what we will be including in our opening sequence

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